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Harnessing APM for Electrical Assets - Pathways to Efficiency and Sustainability.

10th March 2024, 11:00AM IST

Kushal Sharma

Product Owner, Rugged Monitoring

Register For The Webinar

What will you learn?

APM & Its Components

The APM solution, including condition monitoring, predictive maintenance, asset health assessment, reliability-centered maintenance (RCM), and risk management.

Predictive Maintenance

In-depth exploration of predictive maintenance techniques and tools, how they differ from traditional maintenance approaches, and their benefits in predicting equipment failures before they occur.

Data Management 

How to effectively collect, analyze, and utilize data from various sources to inform APM strategies. This might include integrating data from existing EAM systems, CMMS and other IT/OT systems.

Implementation Startegies

Best practices for implementing APM within an organization, including setting objectives, selecting the right technologies, change management, and training for staff.

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